
Saturday, November 29, 2003

Various Shree Ram Bhajans audio files for download. Please choose the songs sparingly (to avoid too much bandwidth payment) only to increase your devotion, and not to download for storing sake.

Determining the components in Panchanga

The Hindu news item : Integrity of Indian Culture, 28th November 2003. Dr. C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar, Vice-Chancellor of Annamalai University, released in Madras on the 27th a Tamiz commentary on Kalidasa's 'Raghuvamsa' written and edited by Mr. V. S. Venkata Raghavachariar, Head of the Department of Sanskrit, Vivekananda College, and published by Mr. V. Krishnaswami Sarma. The function organised by the Sanskrit Academy at the Rasika Ranjani Sabha, Mylapore."

Friday, November 28, 2003

Global Gita Conference organized by International Gita Foundation, 28th-30th November 2003. The site needs update.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Soil and soul reconnect with Sanskrit at Melkote: "Demonstrating the universality of Sanskrit." A news item in goodnewsindia.com. The Academy of Sanskrit Research (ASR) sanskritacademy.org has 22 sanskrit publications including biblographics of Vedantic works, Sanskrit humour/ VInoda, Upanishads, Visistadvaitakosa, shRIbhAShya, Research Journal Tattvadipah, in addition to those in English and Kannada. In 2003-2004, they are celebrating 25th anniversary of the establishment. Contact Professor Lakshmi Thathachar for details.

www.balagokulam.org - Special Activities section offers a well-formatted handbook, a collection of commonly recited Sanskrit shlokas, stotras, and bhajans. It publishes a quarterly magazine illustrated with articles, information, and children activities with the emhasis of imparting susanskara-s to children. Play simple games or do Arts-Crafts projects with children. It has an interesting jig-saw puzzle with OM symbol.

Sanskrit Tutorial from OurKarnataka.com : Learn Sanskrit Language. The series is developed by Mr. Vasudeva Bhat on ourkarnataka site. There are 39 lessons (Nov 2003) which are also translated in Kannada. For Kannadigas, this is an excellent site. We wish the display was also developed in Devanagari display.

There are many Sanskrit tutorials available and linked in FAQ and learning_tools sections. The sad part is that there are no serious students to study them!

Books in sanskrit from CBH Publications includes Research Trends in Sanskrit, edited by Dr. C. L. N. Moorty. It is a bibliography of Doctoral dissertations presented to various Indian Universities from 1857 to 1988. See a complete list of 109 books published under Trivandrum Sanskrit Series (TSS). The site also has excellent audio cassettes for sale for learning Carnatic classical music. Contact M.Easwaran for orders.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Vedic University of America has well studied online publications on AGNIHOTRA, MEDITATION, SANDHYAA, and SHAANTIKARANAM. It offers courses in Hindi, Sanskrit and Vedic Heritage. Swami Satyam also publishes Satya Sneha Surabhi. Please support the organization if you can.

Senior citizens queue up for Sanskrit classes with Surabharati Samiti in Hyderabad - The Times of India news article October 13, 2003.

Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute BORI selected as manuscript conservation and resource centre - The Times of India news article October 01, 2003. It is one of the 24 institutes as manuscript resource centres and another 18 as manuscript conservation centres selected by Indian Government for the preservation of ancient manuscripts.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

For errors or bug in current posts of sanskritlinks site, use September and October archives directly.

Monday, November 24, 2003

A good collection of gayatris, namavalis, etc.

Vijnana Bharati (Swadeshi Science Movement of Bharat), Bangalore, is organizing Vishwa Veda Vijnana Satram (World Congress on Vedic Sciences) on 9 to 13 August -2004 at Bangalore, India. Contact Prof. K. I. Vasu at vasu at vijnanabharati.com or vasuvijnanabharati at rediffmail.com.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Read excellent "streams" (vAhinI) of writings attributed to Shri Satya Sai Baba at vahini.org. The streams include separate e-books on Ramayana, Bhagavatam, Gita, Upanishad, Meditation (dhyana), Path of Virtue (dharma), question-answers (prashnottara) et cetera. There is a comprehensive links section and dowloads of bhajans and texts.

A news item in Mid-day: Sanskrit makes a comeback in Mumbai. Bombay University's enrolment for Sanskrit has gone up in last few years.

Friday, November 14, 2003

6000 YEAR BARRIER, HINDU CALENDRICS article by Glenn R. Smith (Durgadass). The article is mirrored at 1, and 2.. Also see his well studied articles Phi, Pi and the Pentacle, and The Sidereal Zodiac.

English-Pali Dictionary by Metta Net. Metta is a Pali word derived from Sanskrit word mitrataa, or friendship or love. (Sanskrit "mitram" got changed to Pali mitta meaning friend.) The Pali to English Dictionary defines it as mettâ : [f.] amity; benevolence. Read Metta "The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love" by Acharya Buddharakkhita or The practice of loving kindness.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

H i n d i N e s t - A portal dedicated to Hindi literature and creative expressions. See the supportive boloji.com and gohindi.com.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Encyclopaedia Esoterica Esonet has quite a few translations of Sanskrit texts in Spanish, e.g. Ramayana, Vedas, Yogasutra (in Yoga section). Also see upanishad translations by Eduardo Gomez (ego@inforamp.net) for Isha and Mundaka upanishads.

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