
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Study Hindi at unilang.org. The lessons, teaching the basics of Hindi and its devangari writing, are developed by Somebody with email sart_blitz@abv.bg . Lessons are presented in Unicode. There is a list of Hindi-English-German Dictionary words which are used in the lessons.
"Unilang is an open non-profit organization, a site where people interested in languages can unite, openly discuss, and find resources related to language(s), linguistics and translations." All the courses and resources are available free.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Site at http://www.uwest.edu/sanskritcanon/. The University of the West, Los Angeles, Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods (A Center For Buddhist Studies)Chakupat, Lalitpur, Nepal, Honorary Master Hsing Yun, and Prof. Lewis Lancaster, began the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Project (SBCP) in 2003. The texts, about 680 in number listed below, are available for viewing in both Devanagari fonts and Roman transliteration. Texts are arranged by sUtras, shAstras, and stotras in ring-control selector. Both Sanskrit and Pali texts are included in catalogue. Contact the universities at http://www.uwest.edu/sanskritcanon/contact.html for additional information.

View DJVU Document WordIndexToTaittriyaSamhita at archive.org.

View DJVU Document of Dharmakosha at archive.org

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