
Saturday, October 28, 2017

सम्प्रतिवार्ताः Samprati Vartah, A Complete Online Newspaper in Sanskrit Language
Watch and read Sanskrit News (Varta Samskritam) on http://www.samprativartah.in/. The audio-visual news is promoted on Janam TV in Kerala in professional manner with video feed. The site includes Sanskrit News-reading by School students, Online Sanskrit Journalism course, Sanskrit tutorials, as well as many other Sanskrit related projects. The site and projects are coordinated by the chief editor, अय्यम्पुष़ हरिकुमारः, सम्पादकः Ayyampuzha Harikumar, (Harikumar O S).

The Sanskrit Literature portion includes articles in the category of Sanskrit, Standard Articles, utsavaH, कथा, कविता, बालगीतम्, लेखनम्, सम्पादकीयम्, सुभाषितानि, सुवचनानि, et cetera.

The Sanskrit Journalism course eligibility is any degree in Sanskrit with duration of course of six months, No fee is charged. The translation to Sanskrit, News writing, Spot Reporting are important part of this course.

The home page highlights oath for the motivation in promoting Sanskrit:

  • संस्कृत- प्रतिज्ञा
    संस्कृतं मम जीववाणी। तस्याः समृद्धायां नानाविधायां पूर्विकसम्पत्तौ अभिमानी भवामि। संस्कृतपठनं मम विनय-आत्मगौरव-सदाचार-सामूह्यबोधादीनां सद्गुणानां विकासाय प्रभावयति। "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्", "सत्यमेव जयते", "सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः", इत्यादिभिः आप्तवचनैः राष्ट्रस्य अखण्डता ऐक्यं च संस्कृतभाषायां सुरक्षितमिति विवेचयामि। अहं जाति-वर्ग-स्त्री-पुरुषभेदबुद्धिं विना संस्कृतभाषापठने तथा प्रचारणे च सदा सर्वथा प्रयत्नं करोमि। स्नेहमयी माता स्वपुत्रान् इव अन्यभाषाः अपि आदरिष्ये।। जयतु जयतु संस्कृतम्।
The site is affiliated with samprati samskritam, Online Video channel for Sanskrit with links to songs and chanting in Sanskrit, Sanskrit Tutorials (login required) for grade based school curriculum, learnsamskrit.online (login required) for the “Samskrit for Specific Purpose Series” with courses on learning Sanskrit through subjects of Yoga (yogarahasya), Ayurveda, Bhagvadgita, and Vedanta.

There is a report on the activities of Bharatiya Sanskrit Patrakar Sangha, भारतीय -संस्कृत -पत्रकार-सङ्घस्य वार्तापुटम् by the well known Sanskrit newsreader Shri Baldevand Sagar. His article Sanskrit Journalism History and Status, part of Multi-faceted Sanskrit Journalism वैविध्य-समावेशिनी संस्कृत-पत्रकारिता, बलदेवानन्द-सागरः covers 190 years of journalism in Sanskrit.

These sites are part of Sanskrit Promotion Foundation, New Delhi.

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