
Friday, October 18, 2019

Professor Jaidev / Jayadev Veer of Rajdhani College, New Delhi is dedicated to the promotion of Sanskrit at all levels. Visit his YouTube channel at Jayadev Veer's Videos to find the variety of activities conducted for Sanskrit promotion. It may be विश्व की सर्वोत्तम संस्कृत प्रदर्शनी world best sanskrit exhibition 2019, सम्भाषण शिविर conversational Sanskrit camps, संस्कृतगीतम् sanskrit song collection, संस्कृत रोक बैंड Sanskrit Rock Music Band, संस्कृत कथा Sanskrit stories, संस्कृत क्रीडा conducting games and sports in Sanskrit, संस्कृत दिवस पर रेल में संस्कृत प्रचार Sanskrit promotion in train and various places, participation in felicitation of members of Indian parliament (MPs) who took minieterial oath in Sanskrit संस्कृत भाषा में शपथ ग्रहण किया उनका सम्मान कॉन्स्टिट्यूशन क्लब नई दिल्ली , संस्कृत संवर्धन कार्यशाला में संस्कृत शिक्षण प्रशिक्षण Sanskrit Workshops, संस्कृत क्लब स्फोरक Sanskrit club trying to encourage children, श्लोकरचनाकार्यशाला workshop for teaching composition of Sanskrit shlokas/verses, संस्कृतशोभायात्रा parades. Some of the videos are compilations from other video channels including Sanskrit Bhasha Shikshanam videos from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, plays like परशुराम विजय संस्कृत नाटकम् Sanskrit play parashuram vijay, कालिदासस्य अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम् नाटक Abhijnan Shakuntala play (from youtube account संस्कृतरसास्वादः by Sakshi Chaurasiya), and compilation of Sanskrit terminology/names of flowers, fruits, vegetables, edibles, part of house, minerals, types of services, hospital items, numbers, body parts, colours, birds, animals, cloths, jewlery et cetera. Jaidev's enthusiasm with Sanskrit is exemplary.

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