
Saturday, February 15, 2025

वन्दे संस्कृतम् । Shri Swaminarayana Temple at Saradhara (श्री स्वामिनारायण मन्दिर, सरधारधाम) of the group https://sardhardham.org/ has prepared major granthAs / scriptural texts and presented at sanskritam.world. Texts are very well categorized such as Grammar, Shikshapatri with commentary, Vedas (all four separated with each sUktas with Hindi meaning), brahmasUtrabhAShyam with commentaries, vishiShTAdvaitavijayavAdaH with Gujarati translation, aj~nAnadhvAntabhAskaraH, all upaniShads with vyAkhyA/bhAShya, bhagavadgItAbhAShyam, yogasUtram, smRRitiH, shrImadbhAgavatapurANam, purANam, mahAbhAratam, rAmAyaNam, shrImatsatsaMgijIvanam, shrIharilIlAkalpataruH, kAvyam, subhAShitasaMgrahaH (categorized), saMskRRita-prahasanam, nItivAkyasaMgrahaH, svAmi sahajAnanda vachanAmRRitam (in different languages with audio), hanumAna chAlIsA, mahAbhAShyoktanyAya (92), laukikanyAyAH (728),and explore more. They are relisted as This is very comprehensive and well presented collection of scriptures with Hindi meanings, and at times with audio and anvaya/shabdachChedaH.

Swaminarayana Temple group is engaged with various activities as educational services, medical services, Relief & Rehabilitation Works, Welfare Programme all over the world and has built Temples at various places in different countries (see 3D tour of a temple).

For additional details, contact : Shri Swaminarayana Temple Address: AT-Sardhar , Bhavnagar Highway, Dist: Rajkot, Gujarat 360 025 (INDIA) Phone: +91 76000 23716 Email: yswami108 at gmail.com Web site: https://www.sanskritam.world, https://sardhardham.org

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