Saturday, September 01, 2007 has informational audio Podcasts under the topic of Vedic Mythology, Music, and Mantras and well presented multimedia audio and video resources. The podcasts include commentaries, stories, and relevant Sanskrit mantras and storas. The yagya group was formed by Sri Narasimha Bhattar and Benjamin Collins with assistance from Sri Seetharam Sastri. The site is built with commercial precision and outlook although the mission statements highlight that "Service, not profit, is the driving motive behind" and that "Our sponsorship of yagyas is intended not only to result in positive benefit for ourselves. Through our participation, we honor and preserve the Vedic traditions in India, and provide meaningful employment for highly qualified priests." It provides Jyotish consultations, blogs such as daily pUjA insights and yagyanotes, yearly pUjA schedule, and excellent pUjA videos/photos.