
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Watch chanting of various Vedic mantras and Bhajans in a public performance by participants of Sound of Veda Fellowship in Zagreb, Croatia. The video clips include Ganapati Atharvashirsham, portion of Shri Rudram, Mantrapushpam, and Shivopasana mantra chanted in a methodic way. Vojko Kercan and Branimir Gonan, co-founders of Veda Union, conduct Shri Rudram classes regularly in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Veda Union seeks to unite all European Veda chanting groups. Veda Union has also prepared Rudram learning material for self learning and practicing purposes. See also Vedam Tutorials from Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust. The Rudram classes are held in Croatia, Germany, Hungary, and Slovenia under the Rudram 2012 project which one can join by contacting people listed here. Contact the group at email address info@vedaunion.org . One can also become a member of google group Veda Union.

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