Saturday, February 15, 2025
वन्दे संस्कृतम् । Shri Swaminarayana Temple at Saradhara (श्री स्वामिनारायण मन्दिर, सरधारधाम) of the group has prepared major granthAs / scriptural texts and presented at Texts are very well categorized such as Grammar, Shikshapatri with commentary, Vedas (all four separated with each sUktas with Hindi meaning), brahmasUtrabhAShyam with commentaries, vishiShTAdvaitavijayavAdaH with Gujarati translation, aj~nAnadhvAntabhAskaraH, all upaniShads with vyAkhyA/bhAShya, bhagavadgItAbhAShyam, yogasUtram, smRRitiH, shrImadbhAgavatapurANam, purANam, mahAbhAratam, rAmAyaNam, shrImatsatsaMgijIvanam, shrIharilIlAkalpataruH, kAvyam, subhAShitasaMgrahaH (categorized), saMskRRita-prahasanam, nItivAkyasaMgrahaH, svAmi sahajAnanda vachanAmRRitam (in different languages with audio), hanumAna chAlIsA, mahAbhAShyoktanyAya (92), laukikanyAyAH (728),and explore more. They are relisted as
- व्याकरणम् - सूत्रपाठः, धातुपाठः, उणादिपाठः, वार्तिकपाठः, माहेश्वराणि सूत्राणि, शब्दानुशासनम्, अष्टाध्यायी-प्रकरणविभागः, प्रत्ययानां सूची, धातुकारिका, धातुपर्यायार्थः, धातुप्रत्ययगतानामनुबन्धानां प्रयोजनानि, उपसर्गस्य अर्थाः, परिभाषाव्याख्या, परिभाषेन्दुशेखरः, परमलघुमञ्जुषा-व्याख्यासहिता, वाक्यपदीयम्, रूपदीपिका, षट्कारकम्
- श्रीसहजानन्दस्वामिलिखिता शिक्षापत्री व्याख्यासहितम्
- वेद - ॥ ऋग्वेद ॥ ॥ यजुर्वेद ॥ ॥ सामवेद ॥ ॥ अथर्ववेद ॥
- ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यम् व्याख्यासहितम्
- तर्कसंग्रहः
- श्रीयोगानन्दमुनिविरचितः विशिष्टाद्वैतविजयवादः
- अज्ञानध्वान्तभास्करः
- उपनिषदाः भाष्यसहिताः
- भगवद्गीताभाष्यम्
- योगसूत्रम्
- स्मृतिः
- श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्
- पुराणानि (सर्व)
- महाभारतम्
- रामायणम्
- श्रीमत्सत्संगिजीवनम्
- श्रीहरिलीलाकल्पतरुः
- काव्यम् - रघुवंशम्, कुमारसम्भवम्, किरातार्जुनीयम्, शिशुपालवधम्, भट्टिकाव्यम्, मेघदूतम्, अमरुशतकम्, शतकत्रयम्
- सुभाषितसंग्रहः
- संस्कृत-प्रहसनम्
- नीतिवाक्यसंग्रहः
- स्वामि सहजानन्द वचनामृतम्
- हनुमान चालीसा
- महाभाष्योक्तन्याय (९२)
- लौकिकन्यायाः (७२८)
This is very comprehensive and well presented collection of scriptures with Hindi meanings, and at times with audio and anvaya/shabdachChedaH.
Swaminarayana Temple group is engaged with various activities as educational services, medical services, Relief & Rehabilitation Works, Welfare Programme all over the world and has built Temples at various places in different countries (see 3D tour of a temple).
For additional details, contact : Shri Swaminarayana Temple
Address: AT-Sardhar , Bhavnagar Highway, Dist: Rajkot, Gujarat 360 025 (INDIA)
Phone: +91 76000 23716
Email: yswami108 at
Web site:,
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, February 15, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Yoga-vaiśāradī prepared by
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram
is a searchable web-repository of
classical Yoga literature at It is a most comprehensive resource on classical commentaries to Yogasūtras of Sage Patañjali and other yoga-related texts. It includes search features in both Devanagari and Roman scripts (character inputs) with selectable source texts, commentaries (by Vyasa and other scholars), and sub-commentaries. A list of
translations of Yogasutra is provided with links to either text or scanned documents. Other searchable yoga / sankhya texts available include
Haṭhayogapradīpikā of svātmārāma,
Haṭhayogapradīpikā with Jyotsnā commentary by Brahmānanda,
Bhagavadgītā (mūlaślokas). The
Gheraṇḍasaṃhitā, Yogayājñavalkyasaṃhitā & sāṅkhyakārikā īśvarakṛṣṇa are in preparation. View the information at
About and
FAQ. For details, contact Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram at Address: New No.31, 4th Cross Street, Rama Krishna Nagar, Mandaveli, Chennai – 600028, INDIA, and on phone
+91 44 46900953 / 56 / 57 / 59, +91 96000 98829,
and email yoga-vaisaradi at
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Thursday, February 13, 2025
Saturday, August 10, 2024
The Arsha Avinash Foundation site has been in service for a while in providing Vedanta related information to the readers worldwide. It is formed by Avinashilingam family with blessings of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati. It has undertaken various
residential spiritual camps, Gita-Upanishad-Sanskrit-Vedanta-Yoga classes in Coimbatore as evident in their
photo and
video (
playlist) galleries. The website has compiled and provided books from Swamis of
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam founded by
Swami Dayananda Saraswati. The e-books are free and are available in downloadable PDF format. They are grouped as
Swami Paramarthananda’s Books,
Sanskrit Grammar Books, and
Other Books with categories as books on Vedanta in Tamil and English, commentaries on Sanskrit texts, Indian culture, Chanting, Youth, and Children. There are
various articles and one that attracted attention is
Profound F.A.Q. on Vedanta by Swami Paramarthananda. Explore and read!
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, August 10, 2024
Monday, July 22, 2024
Adwaita Group at is involved with unique presentation of established Marathi and Sanskrit Ganthas/Books. Under the "Spiritual Projects," the group has prepared downloadable
indexed e-books of famous texts/compositions by Marathi Saints Dnyaneshwar, Tukaram, Naamdev, and Ramdas swami. The e-books include word-verse-index lists referenced to complete texts. All words are arranged in the Devnagari Alphabetic order. It allows to know where a word comes from in the indexed complete text, how many times, and in which context. The texts include Srimad Bhagwadgeeta भगवद्गीता (व्यास), Dnyaneshwari ज्ञानेश्वरी (ज्ञानेश्वर),
Amrutanubhav अमृतानुभव (ज्ञानेश्वर), BapRakhumadeviVaru – Dnyandev Gatha ज्ञानदेव अभंग संग्रह: Abhangas by Dnyeshwar (ज्ञानेश्वर), Namdev Gatha नामदेव गाथा: Abhangas by Namdev (नामदेव), Tukaram Gatha तुकारामगाथा: Abhangas by Tukaram (तुकाराम), and Srimad Dasbodh, दासबोध (रामदासस्वामी).
Gita is the only Sanskrit text as of now.
For the Dnyaneshwari, a colour coding scheme is used to present original Bhagvadgita verse, its word-separation / anvaya, corresponding Marathi verses in Ovi form from Dnyaneshwari, and portion of Ovis with "events borrowed from daily life."
For the Bhagwadgeeta, "chanting of Geeta in accordance to the ‘Shastras’ are given in an audio-visual format.
The Geeta ‘Shlokas’ can be seen in the VCD form by viewers and will be heard with a clear and pure pronunciation as per Panini’s Grammar."
"Advait Consultants is core part of Advait Group. This is very interesting initiative to express the Hindu Philosophy in unique way and present our Spiritual Treasure to large section of people for better understanding as well as to Scholars for detailed study and analysis."
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, July 22, 2024
Friday, July 19, 2024
Arvind Kumar of Knowledgology at has prepared high quality professional videos for learning Sanskrit online through Hindi. Visit
Sanskrit Language Course संस्कृतम् Sanskritam, with 67 videos, Learn Sanskrit: The Easiest Way, संस्कृत सीखने का सबसे आसान व रूचिकर मार्ग. The course covers all topics meant for beginners. All the documentation needed for the course is given in
downloadable PDF files. There is a set of course
अमृतमाला amRitamAlA with 40 videos. It is a sincere attempt making it easy to learn sanskrit, requiring little attention and discipline. See the
Motivation behind the course preparation. Arvind Kumar says
"हमने बड़ी मेहनत व लगन से यह संस्कृत व्याकरण कोर्स तैयार किया है – संस्कृतम्। यह एक सम्पूर्ण संस्कृत कोर्स होते हुए भी अब तक उपलब्ध संस्कृत कोर्सेज में सरलतम है। विनती है कि इसे एक बार अवश्य देखें और यदि योग्य समझें तो अधिकतम लोगों तक ज्ञान के प्रचार-प्रसार में हमारी सहायता करें। हमारा उद्देश्य आर्थिक लाभ नहीं है, यह एक मिशन है। आपको थोड़ा सा भी सहयोग इस पुनीत कार्य में एक निर्णायक भूमिका निभा सकता है।" Visit
Arvind Kumar's YouTube Channel Paylists for well-prepared courses Advanced Sanskrit Grammar, Sanskrit Chandamama story books, Science Universal Topics, Social Issues Caste Religion Politics, English Learning Course, Motivational and Inspirational Best Videos et cetera. Contact Arvind at 0210suresh at gmail dot com.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Friday, July 19, 2024
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Srujan and Shruti Jha have prepared various Sanskrit related Apps available on Google Play. See the listing in their account
Some of them are listed here.
- संस्कृत हिन्दी डिक्सनरी
- संस्कृत अंग्रेजी डिक्सनरी
- धातुरूपमाला आफलाइन.
- शब्दकल्पद्रुम आफलाइन.
- शब्दकल्पद्रुम आनलाइन
- शब्दरूपमाला
- वाचस्पत्यम्
- संस्कृत अष्टाध्यायी
- पुस्तकसन्दर्शिका
- पाणिनि अष्टाध्यायी
- धातुरूपमाला आनलाइन.
- एडुनेट.
- सिद्धान्तकॊमुदी
- अमरकोष.
- अष्टाध्यायी चन्द्रिका
- विद्यालय प्रदर्शक ऐप
- हिन्दी शब्दकोश
- संस्कृत सचित्र शब्दकोश-
- कृदन्तरूपदर्शिका
- कृदन्तसाधिका
- वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकोमुदी (मूलपाठ)-
- संस्कृत स्वयं शिक्षक
- संस्कृत चित्रबोध
- संस्कृतभाषा दक्षता परीक्षणम्
- शैक्षिकाभिवृत्तिपरीक्षणम्-
- सम्भाषण शब्दकोष-
- Hindi Sanskrit Shabdkosh
- Laghushabdendushekarswadhyay
- QR-Code Generator
- Veda Vibha
- Pustak Sangdarshhika
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Thursday, July 18, 2024
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
संस्कृत आमोद Joyful Sanskrit or Joy of Sanskrit with Amit S Nagare
Amit has prepared various short-long YouTube videos to help students, especially appearing for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and higher secondary cetification exams for Sanskrit subject. The
playlists by Amit Nagare include
- Videos on Sanskrit grammar (लट्लकारः, लङ्लकारः, लोट्लकारः, विधिलिङ्लकारः, लृट्लकारः, अस् आणि कृ धातुरूपाणि);
- NCERT Sanskrit ruchira Std 6th;
- NCERT Sanskrit ruchira Std 7th;
- NCERT Sanskrit ruchira Std 8th;
- SSC 8th | Sanskrit : Amod | इयत्ता ८ वी : आमोद; 23 videos
- SSC 9th | Sanskrit : Amod | इयत्ता ९ वी : आमोद; 33 videos
- SSC 10th | Sanskrit : Amod | इयत्ता १० वी : आमोद; 34 videos
- HSC Sanskrit 12th Ahlad इयत्ता १२ वी आह्लाद;
- Shishu sanskritam;
- Dhyan Shlokani;
- स्तोत्रवैभवम् । Stotravaibhavam;
- समईच्या शुभ्रकळ्या l लेखन - श्रीमती वसुधा परांजपे (Marathi) (Biographical sketch : लाल बहादूर शास्त्री यांच्या धर्मपत्नी - ललितादेवी);
- नाशिक दर्शन;
- मराठी वाचन FOR ENGLISH MEDIUM SSC board.
- संस्कृत भाषा सभा - नाशिक. व्याख्याने 16 videos
- स्वामी वरदानंद भारती चरित्र
- एकादशी 7 videos
- Bhagvadgeeta
- भारतीय सण 6 videos
Amit, being a Marathi speaker, has referenced some of the details in Marathi. Videos are professionally prepared and pronunciation audio is clear.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Wednesday, June 08, 2022
Lexilogos online keyboard for entering Devanagari/Sanskrit/Marathi/Hindi text with Vedic svars/accents
Lexilogos at allows entering unicode Devanagari texts with Vedic svaras and accents. This keyboard is one of the 150+ language script keyboards available at "Lexilogos is a comprehensive set of resources
for the study of the languages of the world," certainly an extraordinary undertaking. In addition to the keyboards, it has comprehensive dictionaries, links, and information for about 250 languages of the world.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Wednesday, June 08, 2022
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Sanskrit Pronunciation
Pronunciation of Sanskrit words/stotras/texts correctly is a very tricky task for many people. Wrong utterances of mantras and stotras are considered to give ill-effects, and hence the emphasis is on proper pronunciation. In this video by PV Narasimha Rao (a well known astrologer and a scholar),
Sanskrit Pronunciation: Common Mistakes (even by scholars), he presents some details to which a Sanskrit student should pay attention. He has presented and time-marked the sub topics in his comments as Introduction,
I vs YI and U vs VU (ई यी and ऊ, वू),
Three SHA/SA sounds (श ष स),
Visarga (colon : or aH),
Consonant Endings,
AIM vs AEM (ऐं),
Sandhis and Vowel Trapezium,
Structure of Alphebet,
Nasal Sounds and GUM (used mistakenly for the sound of ardhachandrabindu with virAma
PHA vs FA (फ फ़),
Ganeshaaya vs Ganeshaay (गणेशाय गणेशाय्),
Tha Sound, and finally Conclusion.
Narasimha Rao emphasizes that although pronunciation perhaps has 1% importance compared to 99% to devotion in chanting mantras/stotras, in the beginning, when one does not have devotion but only pronunciation, it gets way high importance. Further, it is extremely important to pronounce potent vedic mantras correctly. There is a science to pronunciation established by ancient Rishis, especially Panini, Patanjali and others "derivable in logical manner" as he mentions.
There are many other places you can find video guides to pronunciations. Some of them are listed here for reference
- Tips for Proper Sanskrit Pronunciation for English Speakers - MUST SEE & HEAR Parts 1 and 2
- Importance of Sanskrit Pronunciations, Vowels, and Consonants
- Sanskrit Pronunciation
- Secrets of Sanskrit Pronunciations
- The Science of Sanskrit Alphabet and Pronunciation
- Pronunciation and Introduction to Chanting of Narayaneeyam
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, September 26, 2021
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Jagadananda Jha has been very active online since 2011 for the promotion and presentation of information related to
Sanskrit. His site includes various related topics as evident from the items in the drop down menu. He has presented many thought provoking articles on topics including rituals, jyotish, ayurved, biographical sketches of scholars (over 150), collection of Sanskrit books (over 21000), Sanskrit songs, address list of different schools and colleges in Uttar pradesh for Sanskrit education et cetera. "इस ब्लॉग में व्याकरण, साहित्य, ज्योतिष, धर्मशास्त्र आदि अनेक विषयों पर मौलिक लेख, संस्कृत शिक्षण पाठशाला, 150 से अधिक विद्वानो की जीवनी. लधुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी का ट्युटोरियल आदि उपलब्ध हैं।" He has posted several videos of his Sanskrit tutorials and social events at YouTube
playlists and
video list. The social events were either organized by himself or attended by him and well captured in videos edited by him. His passion to help children participate in Sanskrit plays or singing songs is seen in these videos. He is working as a librarian at Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan, Lukhnow, see some introductory videos of
library, his work place, and
introduction to sanskritbhasi site. He is the editor of a quarterly magazine (
back issues)
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, January 18, 2020
Friday, October 18, 2019
Professor Jaidev / Jayadev Veer of Rajdhani College, New Delhi is dedicated to the promotion of Sanskrit at all levels. Visit his YouTube channel at
Jayadev Veer's Videos to find the variety of activities conducted for Sanskrit promotion. It may be
विश्व की सर्वोत्तम संस्कृत प्रदर्शनी world best sanskrit exhibition 2019, सम्भाषण शिविर conversational Sanskrit camps,
संस्कृतगीतम् sanskrit song collection, संस्कृत रोक बैंड Sanskrit Rock Music Band, संस्कृत कथा Sanskrit stories, संस्कृत क्रीडा conducting games and sports in Sanskrit, संस्कृत दिवस पर रेल में संस्कृत प्रचार Sanskrit promotion in train and various places, participation in felicitation of members of Indian parliament (MPs) who took minieterial oath in Sanskrit संस्कृत भाषा में शपथ ग्रहण किया उनका सम्मान कॉन्स्टिट्यूशन क्लब नई दिल्ली , संस्कृत संवर्धन कार्यशाला में संस्कृत शिक्षण प्रशिक्षण Sanskrit Workshops,
संस्कृत क्लब स्फोरक Sanskrit club trying to encourage children, श्लोकरचनाकार्यशाला workshop for teaching composition of Sanskrit shlokas/verses, संस्कृतशोभायात्रा parades. Some of the videos are compilations from other video channels including Sanskrit Bhasha Shikshanam videos from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, plays like परशुराम विजय संस्कृत नाटकम् Sanskrit play parashuram vijay, कालिदासस्य अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम् नाटक Abhijnan Shakuntala play (from youtube account संस्कृतरसास्वादः by Sakshi Chaurasiya), and compilation of Sanskrit terminology/names of flowers, fruits, vegetables, edibles, part of house, minerals, types of services, hospital items, numbers, body parts, colours, birds, animals, cloths, jewlery et cetera. Jaidev's enthusiasm with Sanskrit is exemplary.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Friday, October 18, 2019
Monday, December 24, 2018
"Sanskrit Abhyas : Practice makes one perfect, and this is the ultimate aim of Sanskrit Abhyas. The website has been created with the resolution of helping you perfect your Sanskrit grammar." The site presents a unique way of learning Nouns, Pronouns, Cases, Gender-number, Verbs, Consonants, Roots, Suffixes, Numerals and many other terminologies in Sanskrit. The information and exercises are presented graphically with medium in choice of Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, English (with additional Indian English category). Practice is emphasized with questions posed and answers provided after choice selection. The information is based on the rules of Panini's Sutras of Ashtadhyayi.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, December 24, 2018
Saturday, December 08, 2018
In सरलसंस्कृतशिक्षणम् website, the volunteers are committed to promote Sanskrit as a communication language संस्कृतभाषायाः व्यावहारिकीकरणम् एव महदुद्देश्यमस्ति with “वाणीयं जनवाणी संस्कृतवाणी” as a motto!
They have posted
Videos at YouTube video channel of
The main categories include दैनिकवाक्यानि,
and ई-पत्रिका.
In chitrapadakoShaH, there are several lists of categorized Sanskrit words with corresponding well drawn sketches/pictures with Hindi and English meanings. मनुष्य-पशु-वनस्पति-स्वर्ग-भूमि-वारि-धी-काल-शब्द-दिक्-व्योम-वनौषधादिवर्गL) सचित्रं पदपरिचयं | For example, lists of शब्दसंग्रहः (Vocabulary),
अङ्गानां नामानि (Body Names in Sanskrit),
संवेगाः (Emotions Name in Sanskrit),
पशुवर्गः (Animals Name in Sanskrit),
शाकवर्गः (Vegetables Name in Sanskrit),
पुष्पवर्गः (Flowers Name in Sanskrit),
पक्षिवर्गः (Birds Name in Sanskrit),
फलवर्गः (Fruits Name in Sanskrit).
There is also a list of ka-kArAH
kiM किम् ,
kutra कुत्र ,
kati कति ,
kadA कदा ,
kutaH कुतः ,
katham कथम् ,
kimartham किमर्थम् . Please use the drop-down menu to explore the wealth of information arranged in several categories and sections. Thanks to Vinod Kumar, Ganesh Hegde, and other volunteers to prepare quality presentations and videos.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, December 08, 2018
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Visit "Sanskrit on Stamps" blog, a unique thematic collection of
The Sanskrit Philatelist. It has "Stamps, Covers, Post Cards, and Postmarks" in Sanskrit, commemorated by Government of India and other countries such as Nepal, Germany, Mauritius. Explore the right side sub-menu to find individuals (Sanskrit scholars and national celebrities), universities, topics, and events/occasions for which the stamps and souvenirs were issued. P. S. Ramanathan has made the collection over the years and presented it with sharp photographs and relevant information. Some of the subjects include social themes such as
Women in sanskrit literature,
International year of shelter,
100 years of service to blind,
International year of volunteers 2001,
India love and care for elders et cetera.
Ramanathan highlights that "The theme I have selected for this Blog is – Sanskrit and Philately – on which topic I wish to focus my attention, the reason being its link with my learning and active interest in that marvellous language -- Sanskrit plus Philately" and that "Here, nothing is MINE. All the information is gathered around from brochures, books and the Internet. My sincere thanks are due to everyone for their contribution." Also, "I have 99% of the materials exhibited here. Might have a few extras which I wish to dispose of and utilize the funds to propagate Sanskrit. Seriously interested philatelic friends can contact me by sending a mail." Contact him at saketa.ram at gmail dot com.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, November 19, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
सम्प्रतिवार्ताः Samprati Vartah, A Complete Online Newspaper in Sanskrit Language
Watch and read Sanskrit News (Varta Samskritam) on The audio-visual news is promoted on Janam TV in Kerala in professional manner with video feed. The site includes Sanskrit News-reading by School students, Online Sanskrit Journalism course, Sanskrit tutorials, as well as many other Sanskrit related projects. The site and projects are coordinated by the chief editor, अय्यम्पुष़ हरिकुमारः, सम्पादकः
Ayyampuzha Harikumar, (Harikumar O S).
The Sanskrit Literature portion includes articles in the category of Sanskrit,
Standard Articles,
सुवचनानि, et cetera.
The Sanskrit Journalism course eligibility is any degree in Sanskrit with duration of course of six months, No fee is charged. The translation to Sanskrit, News writing, Spot Reporting are important part of this course.
The home page highlights oath for the motivation in promoting Sanskrit:
- संस्कृत- प्रतिज्ञा
संस्कृतं मम जीववाणी। तस्याः समृद्धायां नानाविधायां पूर्विकसम्पत्तौ अभिमानी भवामि। संस्कृतपठनं मम विनय-आत्मगौरव-सदाचार-सामूह्यबोधादीनां सद्गुणानां विकासाय प्रभावयति। "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्", "सत्यमेव जयते", "सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः", इत्यादिभिः आप्तवचनैः राष्ट्रस्य अखण्डता ऐक्यं च संस्कृतभाषायां सुरक्षितमिति विवेचयामि। अहं जाति-वर्ग-स्त्री-पुरुषभेदबुद्धिं विना संस्कृतभाषापठने तथा प्रचारणे च सदा सर्वथा प्रयत्नं करोमि। स्नेहमयी माता स्वपुत्रान् इव अन्यभाषाः अपि आदरिष्ये।।
जयतु जयतु संस्कृतम्।
The site is affiliated with
samprati samskritam, Online Video channel for Sanskrit with links to songs and chanting in Sanskrit,
Sanskrit Tutorials (login required) for grade based school curriculum, (login required) for the “Samskrit for Specific Purpose Series” with courses on learning Sanskrit through subjects of Yoga (yogarahasya), Ayurveda, Bhagvadgita, and Vedanta.
There is a report on the activities of Bharatiya Sanskrit Patrakar Sangha,
भारतीय -संस्कृत -पत्रकार-सङ्घस्य वार्तापुटम् by the well known Sanskrit newsreader Shri Baldevand Sagar. His article Sanskrit Journalism History and Status, part of Multi-faceted Sanskrit Journalism वैविध्य-समावेशिनी संस्कृत-पत्रकारिता, बलदेवानन्द-सागरः covers 190 years of journalism in Sanskrit.
These sites are part of Sanskrit Promotion Foundation, New Delhi.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, October 28, 2017
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Arsha Avinash Foundation has launched a website to provide educational assistance through online books, meetings, classes and camps on Indian culture.
It was launched by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati on December 31, 2014 with foundation base in Coimbatore, India.
The free E-books for studies in Vedanta, Sanskrit, and Indian culture are available. Some of them are categorized as
- Enjoyable Sanskrit Grammar Series of books to learn Sanskrit
Grammar through English
- Study Guide Series of books - Panini Sutra Study through Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi in English
- Gita, Upanishads and Brahma Sutra texts with Shankara bhasyam in Sanskrit.
- Gita, Upanishads, Brahma Sutra and other Vedantic texts explained
in English by Swami Paramarthananda
- Articles on various subjects for spiritual development
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, November 05, 2016
Sunday, August 07, 2016
Sadāsvāda is a Google group with collection of essays in appreciation of Sanskrit literature. The essays are written by K. V. Mohan and R. Shreevatsa. With the help of a single Sanskrit phrase to begin with, authors explore relevant topics from Sanskrit and English literature with Sanskrit verses, translations, and quotes. A PDF of initial posts is prepared in a book form and is available at
Authors term this effort as "A Travelogue of a Personal Journey through Sanskrit Literature."
Contact authors at kvm.1986 [at] gmail and shreevatsa [at] gmail.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, August 07, 2016
Sunday, April 03, 2016
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, April 03, 2016
Sunday, October 04, 2015
संस्कृत निबंध: (Sanskrit Essays), a blog initiated, composed, and maintained by Prasad Ostwal from Pune, Maharashtra. The topics are varied and relate to personalities, deities, special occasions, national holidays, and contemporary subjects. Each essay consists of about 10-20 sentences. They are short and little advanced but cover the main, important points.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, October 04, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
Read interviews, reports, and couplets in Sanskrit on some photographs on
Balaram Shukla's blog at This includes a discussion in modernity of Sanskrit संस्कृतस्य आधुनिकतया अभिसारः, by बजरङ्गबिहारी तिवारी, राधावल्लभः त्रिपाठी, बलराम शुक्लः, and प्रवीण पण्ड्या held under समन्वय, भारतीय भाषा महोत्सव, Samanvaya, a Festival of Indian Languages. Another prolonged interview with Prof. Ram Karan Sharma, with hopeful topic "In no time Sanskrit will be recognized as World Language" संस्कृतमेव न चिरात् विश्वभाषात्वं ग्रहीष्यति – आचार्यरामकरणशर्मा. Balaram Shukla has recorded videos of
Sanskrit Poetry presented by Prof. Radha Vallabh Tripathi, Prof. Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra, Prof. Ram Karan Sharma, Prof. Ramakant Shukla in his
collection of videos.
Balaram Shukla himself is a faculty member of Sanskrit Department of University of Delhi, with mastery over Hindi, Sanskrit,
Persian, and other languages.
He is a recipient of Maharashi Badarayana Vyasa Samman Award from President of India as a young Sanskrit scholar (see
video clip of award ceremony at 14.20 m/17.06).
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, May 25, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
आधुनिक संस्कृत साहित्य पुस्तकालय Adhunik Sanskrit Sahitya Pustakalaya, an Online Library of Modern Sanskrit Literature, consisting of new age Epics, Novels, Dramas and so on composed by contemporary Sanskrit scholars. It is presented under celebrated organization Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, "protecting, publishing and expanding the age old Sanskrit traditions since its establishment." The present categories of modern literature include महाकाव्य,
खण्डकाव्य, गद्यकाव्य (कथा, उपन्यास, आख्यायिका, ललित निबन्ध)
रूपक (नाटक), अनूदित ग्रन्थ,
शास्त्रीय ग्रन्थ (mahAkAvya
gadyakAvya (kathA, upannyAsa, AkhyAyikA, lalita nibandha)
rUpaka (nATaka)
anUdita grantha,
shAstrIya grantha.) The classification is further done by titles and name of authors for easier selection.
Among many projects, राष्ट्रिय-संस्कृत-संस्थानं, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, established in 1970, has many svAdhyAya kendras study centers established under mukta svAdhyAya pITham (Institute of Distance Education), engaged for समाजस्य कल्याणाय, संस्कृतस्य संवर्धनार्थं for the benefit of the society through Sanskrit promotion and education. It also provides E-books in PDF format or digitized, and strives to promote an awareness of Sanskrit study related activities, maintaining data bases such as Inventory of Sanskrit Scholars, Sanskrit Studies In India and Outside India, Sixty Years of Sanskrit Studies Vol.1(India) and
Sixty Years of Sanskrit Studies Vol.2(Abroad).
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, May 23, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Sanskrit Sambhashana Sandesha is now available online at The site is now in a responsive, Mobile friendly format, displaying text and indices in Devanagari Unicode. "Sambhashana Sandesha (सम्भाषणसन्देश:) is a magazine published by Samskrita Bharati published from Aksharam, Bangalore." Copies since 1994 are posted in the archives section. The Sandesha has "articles that unearth the hidden treasures in Samskritam texts. It contains news, current affairs, articles, Samskritam news and events from across the world, stories for children and grown-ups, cartoons, crossword puzzles, vocabulary builders, and so on, all complete in Sanskrit.
Subscribe to the magazine to receive future copies of the colorful, nicely printed, archival monthly magazine. Subscription is just a token of support and your appreciation of the cause. Support also the activities of "Samskrita Bharati, an organization of dedicated volunteers, who strive for the popularization of Samskrit, Samskriti and the Knowledge Tradition of Bharat". (Contact Bharat : Samskrita Bharathi, “Aksharam”, VIII cross, Girinagar II phase, Bangalore - 560 085). The details are also available at
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, April 26, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Mathematics in Sanskrit poetry compilation introduces interesting facts about metrical counting in
छन्दशास्त्रः ChandashAstra, Sanskrit prosody,
Chamakam, the text in which "devotee prays for almost everything needed for human happiness and specifies each item,"
time measurement,
Rama's bodily features in numbers as perceived by Hanumana,
mathamatics in Carantic music et cetera.
While this covers some of the popular aspects, the general topic of ancient Indian mathematics is addressed in many different places
Wikipedia : Indian mathematics,
History of Mathematics - The Indian Contribution,
the story of Indian mathamatics,
A Brief History of Ancient Indian Mathematics by Rajen Barua,
Contribution to Mathematics by Sudheer Birodkar, History of Hindu Mathamatics parts
1 and
Ancient Hindu civilisation and mathematics
by R.N. Das,
Indian Mathematics in Sanskrit: Concepts and Achievements, et cetera.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, April 19, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, February 21, 2015
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Satya Sharada Kandula, a "Writer, Speaker, Teacher, Student, Wanderer, Seeker" has presented
various topics related to ancient Indian history and literature in her blog
The sitemap shows complete set of topics covered, "all about the ancient Indians. Who they were, where they lived and what they did" information gathered from the study of literature. Kandulaji's writing style and flow display deep understanding of different subjects, reverence of ancient sages, refined logic, independent thinking, and a great quality of an able teacher. She has written a few
books, some in print some in ebook format.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, June 21, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Advaita Sharada Project at, "The goal of the Advaita Sharada project is to make available our ancient Shastric texts (in particular Vedantic texts) for access via the Internet and other computer-based devices like tablets and smartphones. Leveraging audio, video, commentaries, sub-commentaries, notes, tags and hyperlinks, we hope to provide a platform for in-depth research and additional learning for seekers, scholars and students." As a start, the project has compiled Shankara Prasthanatraya Bhashya, श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यस्य श्रीगोविन्दभगवत्पूज्यपादशिष्यस्य श्रीमच्छङ्करभगवतः
प्रस्थानत्रयभाष्यम् ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यम्, श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताभाष्यम्, उपनिषद्भाष्याणि (10 common) in Unicode format for online viewing in XML markup scheme and the technology framework for the Internet edition. A sign-up/registering is needed for access to the texts. A word search of the text is activated with anveShaNaM.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, May 26, 2014
Saturday, May 03, 2014
Hindi Kavita Kosh site at is attempting to be an all encompassing collection of poems in languages from India, "भारतीय काव्य के सबसे विशाल ऑनलाइन संकलन".
It is restricted at present to languages written in Devanagari (and Gujarati). The presentation has several categories श्रेणी : रचनाकारों की सूची, भारतीय भाषाओं से हिन्दी में अनूदित, विदेशी भाषाओं से हिन्दी में अनूदित, भाषा और साहित्य पर लेख, लोकगीत (विविध भाषा), बाल-कविताएँ, शाश्वत काव्य (रामचरितमानस / तुलसीदास, उपनिषद का हिन्दी काव्यानुवाद, दोहावली / कबीर
मीराबाई के पद ) , गीत फ़िल्मों से (देश भक्ति गीत,
विवाह गीत,
सावन गीत,
अन्य गीत ), धार्मिक लोक रचनाएँ (आरतियाँ, भजन, प्रार्थनाएँ, श्लोक, चालीसा, अष्टक), and वीडियो विभाग.
There is a collection of poems in languages other than Hindi as well.
अवधी कविता कोश,
गुजराती कविता कोश,
छत्तीसगढ़ी कविता कोश,
भोजपुरी कविता कोश,
मराठी कविता कोश,
मैथिली कविता कोश,
राजस्थानी कविता कोश,
हरियाणवी कविता कोश,
प्रादेशिक कविता कोश.
Initiated by Lalit Kumar, the Kavita Kosh collection and site is built by a small dedicated team, see कविता कोश टीम. Contact kavitakosh at for additional details.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, May 03, 2014
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
प्राची प्रज्ञा, Prachi Prajna at is a Monthly E-journal in Sanskrit for News, Information and creative writings, अन्तर्जालसंस्कृतवार्तापत्रिका. It has different categories of posting the news, namely सम्पादकीयम् and वार्ताः with subcategories विश्ववार्ताः, वाणिज्यवार्ताः, क्रीडावार्ताः, भारतवार्ता, संस्कृतवार्ता. The section काव्यधारा presents poems composed by many participants. It states its intention and ambitious coverage of topics "अस्यां पत्रिकायां शिक्षा-राजनीति-ऐतिह्य-संस्कृति-मनोरञ्जन-क्रीडा-पर्यावरण-विज्ञान-आध्यात्मिक-सामाजिकादिविभिन्नक्षेत्रेषु वार्ताः प्रकाश्यन्ते। संस्कृतक्षेत्रे नवाचार-नूतनप्रयोग-नवोन्मेष-नवसन्दर्भ-शोधप्रवृत्ति-गतिविधि-सूचनादीनामपि पत्रिकायामस्यां प्रकाश्यन्ते । नवसर्जना अपि काव्यधारायां प्रतिबिम्बिता भवन्ति।" The site allows forum discussion परिचर्चा among registered members. Editor in Chief Sugyan Kumar Mahanty of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan requests Sanskrit scholars, students, and enthusiasts to send news in Sanskrit to this site typed in Arial Unicode MS(Devanagari) to be emailed to prachiprajnaenb at
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Saturday, August 31, 2013
All India Muslim-Sanskrit Preservation and Oriental Research Foundation,
अखिल भारतीय मुस्लिम‑संस्कृत संरक्षण एवं प्राच्य शोध संस्थान was established in 2004 in Varanasi, काशी. The motto has been विश्वबन्धुत्वविस्तारकं संस्कृतम् vishvabandhutvavistArakaM sa.nskR^itam Sanskrit that promotes/enhances universal brotherhood of all beings, (one of the objectives put forth by
Kabir pantha). The group has initiated publications following one of
many planned activities of compiling contribution of Muslims to the Sanskrit Sahitya. There are 35 volumes planned, only first couple of them are announced 1)
Khanakhana Abdurrahim and Sanskrit, 2) Emperor Akbar and Sanskrit. Others are in planning stage. It also has published नवाबखानखानाचरितम्, सर्वदेशवृत्तान्त संग्रह or ‘अकबरनामः’, and अद्वैतामृतमञ्जरी (शतकत्रयी).
Contact 9415697016, E-Mail: Site :
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, August 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
An online portal (
for Sanskrit Learning has been launched by Ideas Software and Consulting
Pvt Ltd (Bangalore) in association with Samskrti Foundation (Mysore). The
portal, named vyoma-samskrta-pathashala, is intended to provide a
collaborative platform for Sanskrit teachers and students.
Currently it offers an interactive self-learning course for Beginners
in Sanskrit. It also contains a course for school students (studying
10th standard in Karnataka), and a course for Grammar paper of MA exam
conducted by Karnataka State Open University (KSOU). Several other
courses are targeted at different groups of learners. Please send your
suggestions and feedback through email at
From the same team at there is now a new venture to have
online training course for CBSE X Sanskrit Students. Vyoma Labs
is a non-profit organisation that brings together sanskrit and technology.
They are probably the only private organisation in India working in the
Sanskrit domain. The organisation is funded by a group of sanskrit enthusiasts. The CBSE 10th Standard
gives students explanations at length regarding Sanskrit concepts - Reading in Sanskrit, Writing in Sanskrit, Concepts in Sanskrit Grammar, Sanskrit Prose and Sanskrit Poetry. Among other products are Flagship Product:- Samskruta Balamodini,
Samskrit Sandhis for beginners, Ashtadhyayi, Shabda-Roopa-Sangrahah,
and Shishugeetaani and more.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Sanskrit Grammar, पाणिनीय-व्याकरणम्— नवीना दृष्टिः
a new approach
to learning grammar presented by students of Smt. Dr. Puspa Diiksita
(called mAtA) with her unique approach, "techniques which Panini used
to achieve the
critical task of groupifying and organizing the elements",
so called "a new approach." The process is broken in eight
1 - धातुगण-परिचयः dhAtugaNa parichayaH
2 - माहेश्वराणि सूत्राणि mAheshvarANi sUtrANi
3 - मातुः पाठस्य वैलक्षण्यम् mAtuH pAThasya vailakShaNam
4 - धातुविज्ञानम् dhAtuvijnAnam
5 - सार्वधातुकप्रकरणम् (अदन्तम् अङ्गम्) sArvadhAtukaprakaraNam (adantam)
6 - सार्वधातुकप्रकरणम् (अनदन्तम् अङ्गम्) sArvadhAtukaprakaraNam (anadantam)
7 - आर्धधातुकप्रकरणम् ArdhadhAtuprakaraNam
8 - करपत्राणि, वर्गस्य क्रमे karapatrANi, vargasya krame
The lessons are all in Sanskrit and beginners are expected to
learn through "Abhyasa-Pustakam" independently, with basic understanding
of present-tense verbs and nouns up through i-kArAnta (muni),
u-kArAnta (shishu), and R^i-kArAnta (kartR^i).
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, July 28, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
संस्कृतसंवर्धनप्रतिष्ठानम्, Samskrit Promotion Foundation (SPF) at has been actively pursuing various projects to improve the quality of Samskrit Education in Schools.
One among them is the "Samskrit Tutorial" site. Visit the project website - and explore the multimedia presentations.
The foundation plans this to be a 'Samskrit Resource' website for Teachers and Students, and in general any one who wants to study Samskrit.
The most important point of this direct approach is that Samskrit is taught through Samskrit only.
All the resources can be downloaded by the teacher. The foundation also plans to add games, plays, and kits.
संस्कृतपठनाय, संस्कृतश्रवणाय, अभ्यासाय, दृश्यश्रवण-उपकरणसहितं शिक्षणाय संस्कृतशिक्षणम् !
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
The site is involved with Music research and documentation. It hosts scanned
Sanskrit granthas for the Indian Classical music, such as Abhinava-tala-manjari, Ashtottara-sata-tala-laksanam, Sangita-samaya-sara, Raga-vibodha, Raga-mala, Sangita-sastra,Raga-manjari et cetera. The site contents are available
here. If you have any scanned books or related information, please let N. Ramanathan (musicologist) know by contacting at ramanathanhema at
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Friday, June 08, 2012
Explore the PHP/JAVA/Unicode based
Online Sanskrit Tools at , the site dedicated for "Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature." Apart from inspirational quotes of Shri
Ramakrishna, Swami
Ramana Maharshi, the pages have
Shlokas with meanings, information on
Temples and
Saints, a four-liner set of poems on
Nature elements, along with extensive tools for learning
Tamil, and internet
The Sanskrit portion of the site is an excellent must-use utility for a beginner as well as advanced students. The categories of the tools are
- 03. Sanskrit English Pad: HTML code generation and formatting Sanskrit words within English sentences.
- 04. Sanskrit Noun Declension: Examples of Sanskrit Noun Declensions automatically generated based on the selection of noun and pronoun or based on word ending, gender, number, and case. A table is generated instantly.
- 05a.Sanskrit Sandhi Rules: Sanskrit Sandhi Rules with examples. These are based on vowels, visarga, and consonants.
- 05b.Sanskrit Sandhi Tool: Combine Sanskrit words with word inputs in Unicode or Kyoto transliteration.
- 06. Sanskrit Sentences: Examples of Sanskrit sentences with grammatical analysis
- 07. Sanskrit Sorting Tool: Sort Sanskrit words online with Devanagari unicode input. The sorted words are listed as per Devanagari sequencing.
- 08a.Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Rules: Verb Conjugation Rules with examples
- 08b.Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Tables: Verb Conjugation Tables with operation summary
- 09. Sanskrit Word List: Sanskrit words under different categories, The word list is sorted for beginners as for Animals, Colors, Fruits, Greetings, Nature, Numbers, Occupations, Relations, and Time. On advanced level, the classification is done with Verb Roots (Dhatu), Indeclinables, Pronouns, Grammar Elements, and Grammar Terms further classified as alphabets, noun and verb numbers, persons, tenses, moods, classes, genders, and classes. The selection is sorted with Devanagari sequence.
- 10. S anskrit Writing Pad: Write Sanskrit using English.
The feedback contact is nature.and.poetry at
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Friday, June 08, 2012
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, August 05, 2011
A Sanskrit Lyrical Ramayana Epic Poem, Gītarāmāyaṇam, composed by Svāmī Rāmabhadrācārya with Hindi meanings (2.57 MB) is available at, or
directly. He has also composed Bhāvārthabodhinī, Hindi (Rāmacaritamānasa commentary), Bhṛṅgadūtam, Sanskrit (Minor messenger poem), Arundhati , Hindi (Epic poem), and Śrībhārgavarāghavīyam, Sanskrit (Epic poem). In spite of loosing eyesight at infant age of two months, Swamiji has shown prodigal feats in memorizing complete Bhagvadgita and Ramacharitmanas at very young age. With exceptional grasp of devotional literature, intense education, and immense resolve, he has shown miraculous success in composing various large metrical poems. Listen to his lectures in Hindi on Ramayana at
Videos gallery.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Friday, August 05, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Bhagvadgita recitation by Dr Balram S. Agnihotri, in multiple parts, posted by his daughter
Leena Mehendale, in video format at Portion of it is sung by Suresh Wadkar. This is a presentation of The trust is busy in presenting "Sanskritki Duniya," proposing a
Sanskrit revival and rejuvenation for future generations through TV series and innovative methods and networking. The interesting videos have been posted
Sanskrit TV. Also see
FAQ and
request for support for additional details. (With a background of being a director of National Institute of Naturopathy, Leena has also presented video clips in Hindi on the topics such as Water therapy, Eye care, Sun therapy, Fasting and Silence, et cetera at
Sanstuti account on YouTube)
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
संस्कृतवाणी Sanskrit Central, A Sanskrit Aggregator, Books and Everything Sanskrit at This is an expanding (scroll down the page to see) blog list planned to cover all that is posted for Sanskrit. The list is also presented as
categorized one with major headings.
Sanskrit-central's own blog provides rationale behind the blog-list collection effort requesting "Sanskrit Lovers ! Let us work together." "संस्कृतसेवायां, संस्कृतव्याप्तौ च सर्वे समभागिनः भवेयुः इति मे प्रार्थना ।" The site is compiling stotras from various online sources in a page
Stotra Ratnakara to be displayed in different scripts using utilities at Sanskrit-central has built its own Sanskrit toolbar संस्कृतवाणी toolbar, perhaps displaying different aspects other than covered by one built by Dev at which itself is quite comprehensive.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
India in Classrooms at is a non-profit, voluntary, network based organization in US to promote a deeper understanding about India through its Teacher Support Program. It has prepared presentations, podcasts, videos to avoid misrepresentations and stereotypical information about Indian history, religion, and culture. Formed in year 2003 in the San Francisco Bay Area, motivated by Mona Vijaykar, it has strived to form a grass-root organization and to provide broader cultural perspective to school children and educators. The site includes downloadable
presentation modules, classroom worksheets, teachers' aids, useful links, and
answers to FAQs in different categories. To expand its reachability beyond the bay area,
contact the members for additional information.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Watch chanting of various Vedic mantras and Bhajans in a public performance by participants of
Sound of Veda Fellowship in Zagreb, Croatia. The video clips include
Ganapati Atharvashirsham,
portion of Shri Rudram,
Mantrapushpam, and Shivopasana mantra chanted in a methodic way. Vojko Kercan and Branimir Gonan, co-founders of
Veda Union, conduct Shri Rudram classes regularly in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Veda Union seeks to unite all European Veda chanting groups. Veda Union has also prepared
Rudram learning material for self learning and practicing purposes. See also
Vedam Tutorials from Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust. The
Rudram classes are held in Croatia, Germany, Hungary, and Slovenia under the Rudram 2012 project which one can join by contacting people listed
here. Contact the group at email address . One can also become a member of google group
Veda Union.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Learn Sanskrit through Tamil at This site provides book reviews, articles,
humour, news, downloads, and links. In simple Sanskrit learning catagory, names of
flowers and fruits with pictures,
months and days,
short stories are grouped. The lessons include
spoken Sanskrit and topics related to grammar. Around the web "links" with pictures are carefully formatted.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Lyrical Thyagaraja Blog ( or LTB or its
blogspot mirror) has a refreshing and uncommon
approach to understand the lyrics of
Tyagaraja in proper context, to learn his sublime message, and enjoy the music fully. The site is meant to be for both "informed readers and readers new to Indian music and culture." Each rendition/Kriti is addressed with authentic translation with an eye towards the translation as an independent art form. Read the note about
themes in the works of Tyagaraja. Each posting is tagged for easy categorization, and with particular Raga, Tala and well studied comments to get the insight. Audio files of most of the songs are not included for copyright purpose, and are available elsewhere and can be searched online. Although Tyagaraqja, regarded as Saint, wrote compositions and plays in Telugu, he wrote a few famous songs in Sanskrit which are also
addressed on the blog. The reader is encouraged to explore the site, and post comments and suggestions online or over email at A PDF version of all posts is available upon request. This is a much larger undertaking, and only a few posts are made available to gauge the response and encouragement from readers like you. The author states that the message of this site is simply :
"Music transcends all. Music is universal! Music is life!"
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sulabha Sanskrit, The Easy Sanskrit Online Course is available at It is a high-tech course with flash-player and presentation driven contents built by
Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF). The foundation is the academic front of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide and is Affiliated to Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi and recognised by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala. The course is designed to be completed between 15-30 months and with the eligibility "an ardent desire and interest to learn Sanskrit." The online course fee is separated as for Residents of SAARC nations: (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan and Afghanistan) and Residents of other nations. The foundation conducts online and postal correspondence courses for Sanskrit and Vedanta. The Sulabha Sanskrit course will allow students to study Sanskrit texts such as Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita independently. "The study of Sanskrit is indispensable for studying all aspects of Indian Knowledge - Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda, Itihasa (History), Purana and so on."
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi (Established under the Auspices of the Ministry of Human Resource Development Government Of India) is a premier institution for promoting Sanskrit studies in India and abroad. Among many notable activities, it is hosting
15th World Sanskrit Conference-2012(5th-10th Jan) (पञ्चदशतमं विश्वसंस्कृतसम्मेलनम्-2012, 5 -10 जनवरी). It is also preparing a data bank of Sanskrit Scholars (संस्कृत विदुषां कोशः) which is to be published in a book form and also uploaded on the website. Scholars, professors, and teachers are requested to send their information in a
prepared form to [whosanskrit [[at]]]. The Sansthan site has downloadable
scanned books from DLI,
list of doctoral dissertations on Sanskrit,
audio/video teaching material,
newsletters (large files), and
e-journals (संस्कृत विमर्श:) with interesting articles. The institution also conducts
correspondence course for Sanskrit.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, August 08, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Free Education for All at provides help to students, "opening the doors of knowledge to all who demand and deserve." The site has many links and information categorized according to languages Marathi, Hindi, English, Sanskrit (मराठी, हिंदी, इंग्रजी, संस्कृत) and subjects Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Environment, Art, Music, Physical Education ( गणित विज्ञान इतिहास भूगोल पर्यावरण चित्रकला संगीत खेळ), Business Management and Information Technology. The site is maintained by Dnyanadeep Education and Research Foundation and is developed to help Education for all Project `सर्व शिक्षा अभियान' of Government of India. ज्ञानदीप एज्युकेशन अँण्ड रिसर्च फौंडेशन,१८, शिल्प चिंतामणी सोसायटी, विजयनगर, पोस्ट-वानलेसवाडी, सांगली - ४१६४१४. The foundation has undertaken several projects under the guidance of Dr. S. V. Ranade & Mrs. Shubhangi S. Ranade. The projects and activities are displayed on various websites : संस्कृत शिक्षणासाठी, विज्ञान शिक्षणासाठी, मराठी साहित्य व संस्कृती जगभर पोहोचविण्यासाठी, सांगली शहराची सर्व माहिती मराठीतून देणारी वेबसाईट, कोल्हापूर शहराची सर्व माहिती मराठीतून देणारी वेबसाईट, दूरस्थ शिक्षण व विविध शिक्षणसंस्थांना माहिती तंत्रज्ञानाच्या सुविधा पुरविण्यासाठी The site appeals that "the idea is to search and provide useful and relevant free educational and informative links available on the internet. The success of this ambitious project depends on active participation of all who use internet for their work and study. Your contribution in content or otherwise shall help the foundation to enhance and enrich this website. "
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Sanskrit Blogs : Listen to the
podcast entries in Sanskrit at :
संस्कृतभाषायाम् blog प्रयत्नः . "एतस्य उद्देशः अभ्यासः किञ्चित् चिन्तनं च । कीदृशः अभ्यासः इति चेत्, संस्कृतभाषायाः काव्यादिषु अभ्यासः वाङ्मयाभ्यासश्च । चिन्तनं नाम प्रासङ्गिकविचाराणाम् उपस्थापनं तेषां चर्चा च ।"
There is a growing list of "blogs" presented in Sanskrit or for Sanskrit study. Some of the mentionable ones are
-, Sanskrit family, audio, video and संस्कृत-गीतानि, नाटकानि, साहित्यं, चर्चा:, लेखनं, पठनं, - सोत्साहं संस्कृत-संवर्धनाय कार्यरता:(Bipin)
- Sanskrit Wisdom, सरसश्लोकाः, कथाः, वार्ताः, विनोदकणिकाश्च (Shankara)
- जयतु जयतु संस्कृतम् Samskritam blog by a student. अद्यतनविषयान् अधिकृत्य संस्कृतेन इतिवृत्त-लेखनम् । (Ajit)
- संस्कृतं शिक्षामहै। Learn Sanskrit, Let us learn Sanskrit! (Himanshu)
-, Practical Sanskrit, Sharing the joy of practical and modern relevance of Sanskrit, Come curious - Go wise (Shashikant)
-, Bringing Sanskrit literature to a wider global audience (Venetia)
-, संस्कृताय किञ्चित् – अन्वेषणम् अपि (Avinash)
-, जालिकानां जालशिष्टाचारः, Words, words, where art thou?? (Yajushi)
-, संस्कृताध्ययनम् । Learning Sanskrit by fresh approach (Shripadji)
-, याजुषी – गीतसंस्कृतम् (Yajushi)
-, सुधर्मा संस्कृतवार्तापत्रम् Daily Sanskrit newspaper (Sampath Kumar)
-, ॥सर्वसज्जनहितम्॥ कस्यचित् सामान्यजनस्य सत्यान्वेषणे लब्धानुभवाः।
-, निमित्तमात्रम् च निमिषमात्रम् by drisyadrisya (Arun)
- Triveni - The Sanskrit group of Pittsburgh
- वैखरी by ज्योतिर्मयी (Jyotirmayi)
-, संस्कृते लिखामः यद्यत्संस्कृतसाहित्यविषये जानामि तत् लेखितुम् इदमेकं माध्यमम्
-, panini's blog जयतु जगति पाणिनीय-तन्त्रम्…
-, vAgartha: - वाच: अर्थ: | Meaning of the Word. (Vasu)
-, संस्कृत नाम दैवी वाक् – Sanskrit for all-
-देववाणी संस्कृत (Himanshubhai Mistry)
-, व्याकरणम् – Grammar
- चन्द्रापीडचरितम्
Some others are listed in
links of Sanskrit Subhashita, as well as in the above blogs.
(An active forum entry :
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, July 05, 2010
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Ancient Voice, "Eternal Voices from the past," website contains material related to Mahabharata text and research. It contains 7500 plus categorized pages dedicated to each noun in Mahabharata and bond-data (noun-to-noun affinity) of 30 plus most frequent nouns in Mahabharata. It contains videos episode of television serial of Dr. BR Chopra's Mahabahrata, images with digital paintings and artwork, Digital Maps (Epic India), Google maps (Epic India) and animations related to Mahabharata. There are many related articles, sections demystifying myths, characterized kingdoms, personalities, and plenty of research material which is the result of 20 plus years of research into Mahabharata. There is a discussion forum to post comments.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, July 03, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sanskrit Primer is now available as an iPhone and Android application. It is developed by Krishna Varma (KV). Visit his blog, or at, and provide your comments and suggestions. . KV also has Bhagvadgita for iPhone, and Vishnu Sahasranaama on the iPhone, and may set plans to add more depending on user's response and needs.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Pandanus is a biannual international journal in English on nature symbolism in Literature, Art, Myth, and Ritual. As an outcome of 12+ years of efforts of Prof. Jaroslav Vacek and others, the Pandanus project at Prague, Czech Republic has resulted in presenting Database of Plants and searchable collection of Sanskrit electronic texts. Indian Plants Database has more than 4000 plant names of almost 400+ species in 8 languages (Latin, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, and English). Click on Select Sanskrit tab to view plants with Sanskrit names. The searchable Sanskrit texts include 35+ of the large size documents available at
etexts page, all transcribed and proofread by students of the Seminar of Indian Studies. (If a word is searched, and a verse selected for given text, clicking on the last line of the verse brings the next verse in line and so the entire text can be read but one line at a time.) The data for the project is jointly sponsored by Institute of South and Central Asian Studies, Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Seminar of Indian Studies at Prague, Czech Republic.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday, May 02, 2010 is a Marathi site to impart understanding of Marathi tradition and culture to children. "सुसंस्कारित पिढी हेच देशाचे भवितव्य !" ह्या मूळापदावर, "`मुलांना केवळ माहिती देणे', असा या संकेतस्थळाचा मर्यादित उद्देश नसून खऱ्या अर्थाने व्यक्तिमत्व विकास होण्यासाठी विविध सदरे देण्यात आली आहेत. व्यक्तिमत्व विकास म्हणजे शारीरिक, मानसिक आणि बौद्धिक अशा स्तरांवर मर्यादित न ठेवता, त्याही पुढे जाऊन आध्यात्मिक स्तरावरही होणे गरजेचे आहे. यासाठी त्यातील अंगांची येथे मांडणी केली आहे." शिक्षण, परीक्षा, अभ्यासाचे महत्व, व्यायाम व सूर्यनमस्कार, स्फूर्तिगीते, संस्कृत सुभाषिते, स्तोत्रे, बोधप्रद गोष्टी, शिस्त व आत्मविश्वास इत्यादी विषयांवर मार्गदर्शन करण्याचा ह्या संकेतस्थळाचा हेतू कळून येतो. संकेतस्थळाला आपल्या
सहभागाची अपेक्षा आहे. (
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, May 02, 2010
Navavani at plans to undertake and show a "new journey of Sanskrit." It is an humble attempt of Sanskrit teachers and students of Irinjalakuda (इरिङ्गालक्कुटा) Educational District, in Thrissur District, Kerala to promote Sanskrit Language through day to day discourses using web media. There are several sections composed entirely by the highschool students (Holy Cross High School, Mapranam) that will help a reader understand and enjoy Sanskrit better.
- Picture Dictionary : contains pictures of common objects with Sanskrit names. Enjoy the categories शाकादीनि। वृक्षादयः। कीटाः। गृहसंबन्धिनी वस्तूनि। फलादयः। खाद्यानि। पुष्पाणि । वस्त्राणि आभरणानि च। शरीरावयवाः । खगाः । जन्तवः । विद्यालयसंबन्धिनः।
- Online Magazine : contains articles written by students and Teachers
- Audio Gallery : contains Sanskrit lessons given by experts
- Sanskrit Radio : has audio clips of Sanskrit news from All India Radio
- Photo Gallery : contains photos in connection with Sanskrit Teachers' Council, Irinjalakuda
- Downloads : contains a collection of stories, Subhashithams and other useful references
- Science in Sanskrit : contains illustrated images regarding the scientific inventions in old ages
- Feedback : allows readers to raise doubts and share views in the discussion forum
Show your appreciation to the
team behind the project.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, May 02, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010
SaMskRutaadhyayanam with Shripad L. Abhyankar. Many lessons are provided under the title "Learning Sanskrit in distance learning mode" in addition to help on speaking Sanskrit. Shri Abhyankar participates and guides students of Sanskrit literature in the along with Prof. Himanshu Pota. See also
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, May 01, 2010
Message from Masters, at has compiled inspirational stories, quotes, videos, biographies, and links to books by notable thinkers and teachers. They include Gautam Buddha, Osho also known as Bhagwan Rajneesh, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Shri Ramakrishna, Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Adi Shakaracharya, Meher Baba, Kahlil Gibran, Swami Vivekananda, and so on.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, May 01, 2010
"A Million Books for a Billion People," projects of Arvind Gupta and his team, "Engineers helping those who must live on the ground." Visit and explore for a refreshing journey in to day to day scientific experiements, entertainment, toys, and much more.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, May 01, 2010
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Jain eLibrary comprises of a vast collection of literature on Jain principles. The project involves an online, ever-growing, well-coordinated collection of scriptures, manuscripts, dictionary, encyclopedia, articles, magazines, and ancient and contemporary books in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Sanskrit, and other languages related to Jainism. It contains ancient and modern literature representing all aspects of Jainism. Catalogues of Jain manuscripts of various Jain libraries add to the diversity of this collection. A 4 DVD Set containing 2000 Jainism eBooks in various languages and Catalogue is available for purchase. This is a collective effort by
Jain Education International Organization and various Jain organizations.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, March 07, 2010
Saturday, March 06, 2010
There are many sites that support transliteration for generation of display in many Indian scripts with Unicode format. Depending on one's preference and interest, these provide free, instant or online/off-line processing help in encoding. Some of these are listed here for reference (opens in new window):
Web Interface/
Sanscript (,
Google Indic Transliteration and IME,
Microsoft ILIT,
IITMadras Multilingual,
Wordpress MonuSoft,
HindiIni, and perhaps many more unaccounted (!). With commonality provided by Unicode worldwide, most of these utilities cover typing and display of Devanagari (Sanskrit/Hindi/Marathi/Nepali), Gujarati, Punjabi/Gurumukhi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali and Oriya scripts. Wikipedia pages
1 and
2 provide a comprehensive list of such Indic support sites. Conversion utilities for to-and-from other fonts-based display are available at
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, March 06, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Jahnavi, a new Quarterly Sanskrit e-journal is edited by
Bipin Kumar Jha (see below). "अस्याः संस्कृत पत्रिकायाः उद्देश्यं संस्कृतसंवर्द्धनं, संस्कृतस्यान्तर्गतज्ञान-विज्ञानवैशिष्ट्यस्य प्रकटीकरणञ्च विद्यते। मूलरूपेण अस्यां संस्कृतभाषायां निबद्धरचनानां संग्रहो भविष्यति। "
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010 is an online encyclopedia of Indian culture and traditions, education in India, history, Indian leaders, festivals of India, languages, Ayurveda, book reviews & many more. It has carefully selected or well studied essays/articles on various topics. The site is well presented with many sharp photographs for places in States of India and around the world, and categorized albums with subjects including travelogues. It is a "platform to share knowledge and insights," and "to reconnect with Indian heritage." The contents of
the site portray, in essence, the quote that "it is out of this past that the future has to be molded".
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, January 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 is a site developed by Bipin Kumar Jha. He writes "इदं जालपुटं संस्कृत-प्रेमिभि: संस्कृत-प्रेम्णा संस्कृत-प्रेमिणां कृते निर्मितम् । संस्कृत-गीतानि, संस्कृत-नाटकानि, संस्कृत-साहित्यं, चर्चा:,संस्कृत-लेखनं, पठनं, तथा च यद् यद् वयं चिन्तयितुं शक्नुम: तत् तद् अत्र मिलित्वा कर्तुं शक्येत इति एव अस्माकं दृष्टि: अस्ति । सर्वेऽपि अस्य जालपुटस्य माध्यमेन सोत्साहं संस्कृत-संवर्धनाय कार्यरता: भविष्यन्ति इति विश्वासेन इदम् आव्हानम् -
कार्य का उद्देश्य सभी संस्कृत जिज्ञासुओं को एक मंच प्रस्तुत करना है जो अपने विचारों के माध्यम से जनभाषा के रूप में संस्कृत का संवर्धन कर सकें। इसका उद्देश्य जनसामान्य की भाषा के रूप में संस्कृत को प्रतिष्ठापित करना, संस्कृत जिज्ञासुओं को अभिव्यक्ति हेतु उत्साहित करना है ताकि संस्कृत निरन्तर प्रवाहमयी धारा सदृश रहे "
The site includes a long list of downloadable files and links (महत्वपूर्णानि जालपुटानि), pictures indicating activities of members, discussion forum, videos, and audio feeds/songs related to Sanskrit. A membership is needed to participate in the activities and contribute material such as articles, photos, videos, to the collection.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Download and install a unique utility,
Sanskrit Toolbar for common web browsers, that adds to the collection of links for Sanskrit study. Apart from common utilities such as search engine, time of the day, current temperature and weather, email notifier, it has Sanskrit and Hindi links presented in several categories. The links include Sanskrit news, books, read/write tools, chatting utility, dictionaries, scriptures and literature, scrolling news items from BBC and other Hindi dailies, games, cricket news, stock market analysis and many tools. "इस टूलबार में हैं संस्कृत -हिंदी के सभी जरूरी लिंक, समाचारों की फीड, रेडियो चैनल, वीडियो क्लिप, गेम्स तथा और भी बहुत कुछ। for IE, Firefox(Mozilla) and Safari etc. for Windows, Linux & Mac." It is safe to install. Contact Dev at for suggestions/improvements.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
The Computational Linguistics R&D, a
Special Center for Sanskrit Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University (J.N.U), New Delhi supports research in several areas of language technology for Sanskrit and other Indian languages. The center is supported by
TDIL, a Government of India undertaking. The center has developed various unique tools to help students learn Sanskrit as a language as well as the source of the ancient literature. Some of the tools are : Online-Offline Sanskrit Multimedia & e-learning, Sandhi Generator, Subanta Generator, Online Multilingual Amarakosha, Mahabharata Search, Morphological Analyzer, Vowel Sandhi Splitter, Hindi Homonym Marker et cetera. There is a long list of
Sanskrit prose articles as reading excercises. Some
student projects such as indices of Ayurveda Herbs, Mahabhaata characters, Arthashastra, Panchatantra Named Entities, Subhashita, Sanskrit Grammar, Karma-kanda, Brahma-sutra and dictionaries/kosha of Sanskrit-Assamese-Bangla, Sanskrit-Hindi, Halayudh-Kosha et cetera will also be very interesting. The index searching comes up with a pad for click-selection/Itrans typing. (Make sure to use viraama/halanta on third row first symbol for a joDAkShara). A few of these are
downloadable as perl scripts. Many of the projects at the center are supervised by
Dr. Girish Nath Jha.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, October 05, 2009
Visit Shashikant Joshi's
atha Sanskritam, which strives to "expound the joy of the wealth of sanskrit literature, wisdom for the modern times," "for those who want to learn something from the great minds of the ages, simple sanskrit, great ideas!" Along with subhAShitas and commentaries, the site lists some of the handy links, such as, How to Read/Write Sanskrit?, how to study ancient works (of sanskrit)?, Sanskrit noun and verb generators, and dictionaries.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, October 05, 2009
In Parentheses site at presents Sanskrit Series with following free downloadable PDF files.
* Bhasa, Carudatta in Poverty, tr. A.C.Woolner and Lakshman Sarup (152K PDF)
* Bhasa, The Minister's Vows, tr. A.C.Woolner and Lakshman Sarup (180K PDF)
* Bhasa, The Vision of Vasavadatta, tr. A.C.Woolner and Lakshman Sarup (180K PDF)
* Harsha, Nagananda, tr. Palmer Boyd (192K PDF)
* Harsha, Priyadarsika, tr. G.K. Nariman, A.V.W. Jackson, C.J. Ogden, and G.C.O. Haas (180K PDF)
* Kalidasa, Shakuntala, tr. Arthur W. Ryder (256K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Karna Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (788K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Salya Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (532K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Sauptika Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (164K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Stree Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (168K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Strîparva ou Livre des Femmes, tr. L. Ballin (208K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Mausala Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (72K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Mahaprasthanika Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (48K PDF)
* Mahâbhârata, Swargarohanika Parva, tr. Kesari Mohan Ganguli (84K PDF)
Of Related Interest:
* Basic Sanskrit Flash Cards (transliterated and in Devanagari) 100 words (80K PDF)
* Sanskrit Flash Cards (transliterated and in Devanagari) 3200 words (744K PDF)
* Devanâgarî Flash Cards (72K PDF)
* Devanâgarî Orthography Manual (152K PDF)
* Devanâgarî Transliteration Practice (72K PDF)
Although well prepared, it seems, the flash cards have many serious errors and needs to be double checked with other sources before trusting the words. The words are also in apparent random order and are not useful as a dictionary. The roots are given without mention of गण and thus are hard to use!
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Monday, October 05, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
There is a well developed, scholarly site on the topic of
Ancient Sanskrit, "an oldest known form of Sanskrit" that is distinguished from the presently known "Classical" Sanskrit that is believed to be developed around 400 BC. The topic is presented by Karen Thomson and Jonathan Slocum of the Linguistics Research center at University of Texas, Austin, and covers various lessons providing observation of distinct grammar style.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, September 27, 2009
Visit for downloadable links to Sanskrit books listed under various categories such as Dictionaries, Grammar (व्याकरणं), Learn Sanskrit, Plays (नाटकानि), Stories, Subhashitas et cetera. Most of these books are scanned printed books posted on internet for free download.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Download or subscribe and read
Prabuddha Bharat or Awakened India, the official journal of the Ramakrishna Order started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896. The
Advaita Ashram, with branches in Mayavati-Uttarakhand and Kolkata, through publications, weekly classes, and study circles provides a forum for discussion on various topics related to Advaita Vedanta with emphasis on teachings by the
trio, ,Shri Ramakrishna Sharada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda. The site also has downloadable
audio lectures. Write for the journal, subscribe, and advertise your business an projeccts in the journal. Also read
an appeal for its support.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, September 05, 2009
News article in :
इन गाँवों में संस्कृत बोलते हैं लोग. In these villages, majority of people speak Sanskrit कर्नाटक का मुत्तुरु, उत्तर प्रदेश के बागपत जिले का बावली ग्राम, मध्य प्रदेश के नरसिंहपुर जिले का मोहद, मध्य प्रदेश के राजगढ़ जिले का झिरी, राजस्थान के बाँसवाड़ा जिले का गनोडा. Participate in similar efforts personally.
# posted by sanskritlinks @ Saturday, September 05, 2009